"to the extent to which he imagined a purpose to his life, he adapted himself to the demands of a purpose to be achieved and become the slave of his own liberty."


hello, you may call me cosmo. i'm a regular student who is currently consumed by the quiddity of metaphysics and its relevant philosophies, to determine, in due course time, the fundamental nature of life & reality and the purpose of human existence in this boundless universe; as an abstract concept.my other current interest is evidently anime but i'm definitely more of a manga person, i prefer reading.
i either like bright pastels or the darkest shades of grey, there's no in between.
p.s. i'm sorry if i come across as intimidating, i swear its just the awkwardness in me that won't rest. nevertheless, i like talking to people, specifically who are of different opinions, so if you're reading this, please dm me. finger guns

(used to be known as vino.)